TSC Talks Guest Janna Champagne



TSC Talks guest Janna Champagne, RN, BSN, Cannabis Nurse and Medical Cannabis Expert joined me to discuss her lived experience and work in the cannabis industry, including the success she’s had utilizing cannabinoid medicine for her daughter with Autism.

Janna’s introduction to the cannabis industry began as a cannabis patient when she suffered a health collapse in 2012. She credits cannabis for helping to reduce her reliance on harmful pharmaceuticals, and for supporting her ability to regain optimal health status. Janna is also known for her daughter’s cannabis/Autism success story, which published on the cover story in a nationwide industry magazine in 2017.

We engage in a discussion covering Janna’s initial entry into the industry to address her own serious health issues and from there launch into a discussion of her daughter’s diagnosis and lived experience of Autism.

“I believe Autism is dysfunction in the is the triad of the gut, the brain and the immune system and the interactions between them okay, this is where main mainstream medicine is really failing to address autism because it’s not looking at that it’s, it’s doing it like many of the mental health disorders where they just they have these symptoms. We’re going to label them autism. Oh, yeah, I think we can do put it in the bottle we can try the mental health pharmaceuticals. But beyond that, they don’t look at how to heal the gut.”

“As a nurse, my approach has always been with my daughter with myself, my patients, we’re supposed to weigh the risk versus benefit of all of the options and guide our patient to make an informed decision. And obviously, you know, ideally, they would choose the least risky options with the most potential benefits. And I have seen literally I’ve worked with thousands of patients directly individually. And it’s so commonplace for patients to reduce their reliance on pharmaceuticals, once they start cannabis therapy, and really improve their quality of life. You know, in the elderly population. I’ve seen reversals of dementia, really the autism population I’ve seen improved behavior, improved quality of life, improved function.”

“I see cannabis as having the potential to revolutionize our broken healthcare system with you, but the only way that is going to happen is if we keep it pure, and keep it medical quality and keep it patient-focused, because if we go the farmer route, we’re going to end up exactly where are right now with pharmaceuticals that aren’t effective, they’re creating customers not cures, and they’re not in the best interest of patients. That’s why I am so driven to try to educate, and really bring people on board that are patient-focused, and really highlight those companies.”

Thanks, Janna for opening our eyes to the amazing potential of cannabis to continue to profoundly impact the lives of so many desperate for answers beyond the mainstream medical system. A true Healthcare Revolution!

Check out Janna’s links! She’s done and is doing amazing work and has much information published:


All of our podcasts can be found at https://tscctalks.com/podcast/

TSC Talks to Kevin Green and Dr. Mary Clifton


Kevin Greene, VP of Cleveland School of Cannabis is an Entrepreneur – Strategic Marketer – Business Development – Cannabis Entrepreneur. He shares his experience in the education arm of the cannabis industry and the novel programs and success of CSC in terms of job placement, online and brick/mortar options and more!

Dr. Mary Clifton shares her inspiration for getting into the industry with 25 years of experience in traditional medicine. “My goal here is to normalize cannabis and just make it something that everybody’s using for common conditions and also for income”. 20 years of experience in both the hospital and private practice and is also a licensed by the New York State Department of Health to provide medical marijuana and is a recognized expert in CBD, Cannabis, and Medical Marijuana.

“She is a published researcher, a national speaker on women’s health and osteoporosis, and author of four books, and two new soon-to-be-released books on CBD and Cannabis – what you need to know, how to use them and a COOKBOOK to support ease of use.” https://cbdandcannabisinfo.com

Check out Kevin and Mary’s links!

Mary Clifton, M.D.Twitter: https://twitter.com/drmarymd
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mary.k.clifton.5
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cbd_thc_md/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYWQ8H9L7RIIUkSNena8bCg
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com › marycliftonmd
https://www.amazon.com › Mary-Clifton-MD
https://www.entrepreneur.com › author › mary-clifton-md

Kevin Greene:https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevin-greene-48b5b7b7/
Cleveland School of Cannabis:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Cleveland-School-of-Cannabis-2409311089353307/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ohiocannabisedu
IG: https://www.instagram.com/clevelandschoolofcannabis/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9SHx-_odKX-FJ7hqx-ypDw

TSC Talks Guest Jessie Gill



TSC Talks guest Jessie Gill, AKA “Marijuana Mommy” is a Mom, Cannabis Advocate and R.N with a background in holistic health and hospice. She shares the story of her path leading to cannabis advocacy after a spinal injury left her at a personal rock bottom. Jessie loved her career as a hospice nurse, inspired to enter the field of nursing by her mother, also a nurse. After having unsuccessful spinal fusion surgery, taking multiple heavy-duty pharmaceuticals, she reluctantly became a medical marijuana patient.

To her surprise, cannabinoid medicine provided great relief and further motivated her to combine her education and experience as a nurse with cannabis advocacy and launch Marijuana Mommy. Her site, www.marijuanamommy.com teaches new patients how and why to use cannabis while challenging the stigma against marijuana use. She’s had great success and is an established expert in the cannabis industry. Due to a high volume of requests for one on one support, she’s rolling out a new course in a few weeks designed to walk individuals through all the details they need to know to get started safely using medical marijuana.

We discuss her process of working with clients, her writing and web platform, her thoughts on the CBD market and she makes several recommendations on brands and safety-related to CBD. Overcoming the fear and stigma surrounding medical marijuana use is decreasing and collaborating with medical professionals who are knowledgeable about cannabinoid medicine and willing to work with their patients can often be a challenge. Her process is to review all the medications that the patients are on, talk about potential interactions and things to watch for, and we have to work with physicians to manage medication adjustments. “That’s a big piece of what I’m pushing is to get people to be aware of that and not let that stop them”

Cannabinoid medicine is a viable option for many and there are ways to do it. Jessie encourages people to keep asking questions and push past your fears and doubts. She sees Cannabinoid medicine offering a far more individualized treatment which can be adjusted incrementally based on each person’s unique presentation and provide. “I think the whole pharmaceutical industry is focused on having a pill that is mass-produced and everyone is different.” We wrap our discussion with her sharing some insight on CBD. “You know, CBD is so important. The majority of my patients take more CBD than THC. I take a lot of CBD. But again, it’s individualized, just like THC. Just like all of the cannabinoids are, you know, some people respond better to one thing than other things and it’s a matter of trial and error. But I think the really the most important part is to get high-quality products and not get junk.”

Thanks, Jessie for sharing your insight and wisdom gleaned much lived and learned experience with TSC Talks!

Jessie’s expertise has been featured and cited in a variety of publications like Forbes, High Times, and Centennial Press. Her work has also appeared in a variety of publications like Good Housekeeping and VICE and has also been highlighted in Viceland and in a variety of news features and documentaries.

Jessie’s links:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jessie.gill1
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jessiegill.marijuanamommy/
Twitter: @Marijuana_Mommy
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jessie-gill/
YouTube: www.youtube.com/c/MarijuanaMommy

All of our podcasts can be found at https://tsctalks.com/podcast/