TSC Talks Guest OP Innovates

TSC Talks guest OP Innovates features an interview with 2 team members, Dr. Jim Kane, Chief Science Officer, and Keith Butler, Chief Executive Officer. “OP Innovates formulates with the plant in mind. Using research, experience and our unique patent-pending delivery method we deliver cannabinoid products that work.”

Keith talks about his early years of cannabis activism and how the science today indicates that using cannabis is actually helpful for our bodies and minds. At 56, Keith is pharma free and healthy.

Keith is…”A native of Washington DC and 40-year industry veteran who has been working with Cannabis and Hemp since 1979. Keith Butler has formulated some of the most effective products available including patent pending natural methods of water solubility and bioavailability of cannabinoids. Butler’s passion for cannabis was nurtured through extensive travel across Asia, South America, and Africa. Through this experience, Keith brings great depth and knowledge of the plant ranging from law and medicine to manufacturing processes and international distribution. “Nature provides us with everything we need to heal and nourish the mind and body.”

LifePatent is an innovative research company focused on unlocking the natural medicinal properties of hemp; dedicated to advancing the science behind the growth, extraction and application of hemp cannabinoids for healthier living. For more information, visit LifePatent.com.”

Dr. Jim Kane is a”PhD microbiologist and pharmaceutical research veteran and our cannabinoid expert.”

An excerpt; ” So between Jim Annie and myself, we have all facets of the industry covered. I am a 40 year veteran of the cannabis industry and in this world since the mid 80s. I worked at America’s first hemp company, that was owned by Steve DeAngelo in the early 90s. I’ve known Steve since the late 70s. Worked with his company in the 80s. I worked with EcoBoost in the 90s and we’re still friends today. Annie Rouse is our resident academic. She is the world’s only Fulbright scholar in the subject of hemp. She is also currently the only person who carries a master’s degree in hemp. She and others have put hemp in space. We are studying hemp on the International Space Station. Jim and I are working on novel delivery devices. We have two patents filed, one for cannabinoids and lipophilic compounds and another for reduction of the spread of coronavirus using our delivery device and some of our cannabinoids and other features and he is an expert on regulation. Annie sits on the board of directors, she is the secretary of the Hemp Industry Association. She is on the board of directors for the US Hemp Authority and the Hemp Roundtable. I am on the board of directors for the National Cannabis Industry Association and I am on the Hemp Industry Committee. Our job is education and getting the knowledge out there about the plant and that it’s good for people to use”

Introduction- 4:01
Keith Butler Background- 4:35
Dr. Jim Kane Background- 7:50
Companion Plant- 10:09
Taboo- 10:43
Balanced Body- 15:13
The Difference Between Cannabis and Pharmaceuticals- 17:08
OP Innovates Group Intro- 21:00
Bioavailability- 21:25
Hemp Mellow- 24:19
Hemp at Space- 26:38
Explanation on the Variety of Products Out There- 29:18
The Last Prisoner Project- 38:59
Roadblocks- 40:51
The Vision of Revolutionizing the Healthcare System- 46:40

Website: https://www.opandme.com/

Email: hello@opandme.com

Thank you Jim and Keith for a fascinating discussion.  All of our podcasts can be found at https://tsctalks.com/podcast/

Forest Bathing-Sierra Nevada

Refresh, relax and soothe with Forest Bathing-Sierra Nevada, a new hemp-derived product with 150 mg of 1:1 CBD/CBG and added terpenes.  Created by TSC Talks partner, Mike Robinson, Founder, The Global Cannabinoid Research Center.  https://thesourcecannabinoids.com/shop


Listen to all of our podcasts at https://tsctalks.com/podcast/


TSC Talks Guest Mike Robinson~Healer Vs. M.D.

TSC Talks guest Mike Robinson, Cancer Survivor/Cannabis Activist – Founder, Global Cannabinoid Research Center, comes on to discuss some of the current challenges in the cannabis community as well as exciting opportunities and projects coming your way. He starts off answering the initial question regarding who is reliable and trustworthy in the industry, we delve into challenges with cannabis certifications, the misconceptions surrounding the term “healer” and the lack of respect and credibility, and why these perceptual challenges exist.

We also discuss the sharing of information parent to parent on platforms such as Facebook, and how this can be valuable as well as how professional platforms often don’t give the level of detail one can gain from online groups. There is much caution needed in all areas of sharing information on cannabinoid medicine as well as assessing what is accurate and reliable. Mike has years of in-depth hands-on experience working in the compassion program one on one with many many individuals and discusses what it takes to “dial-in” a protocol, emphasizing the need for personalization and tweaking of one’s regimen, getting in touch with our physical and psychological cues to learn what will work best for our own cannabinoid medicine treatment as well as our loved ones for whom we might seek support and guidance in learning to implement this valuable and often last-resort life-saving treatment for those living with chronic and often life-threatening conditions.

Below are some links with more information. Stay tuned for another full podcast episode with Mike discussing the disconnect between the healer and the M.D. in traditional and cannabinoid medicine and offers some suggestions and hope for bridging that gap.

There’s a lot more here that’s well worth your time. Please note that Mike has launched (in his spare time) a platform for those who are “in need of help” in light of the global pandemic we are facing with covid19. https://whosneedinghelp.com.

We will shortly be launching another podcast with content related to Mike Robinson’s work and other life minded professionals and patients will be housed and will shortly be including more information on this podcast where we hope to put out shorter, more frequent information/Q & A, support and resources on cannabinoid medicine, and promoting our shortly to be launched botanical beverage that will truly knock your socks off. Watch our website, look for announcements on the front page banner related to this new content.

As always, thanks for listening, caring and sharing as we talk about “the things no one else wants to talk about ” and try to bridge gaps in misunderstandings, perception, and lack of education to come together as human beings doing our best to find some quality of life and joy while here on this planet.

Mike’s links:

Article about his personal experience: https://www.mikesmedicines.com/medical-marijuana/fighting-ordered-isolation-with-cannabiniods-coronavirus-scare-hits-our-home/

On the role of cannabinoids in fighting disease: https://globalcannabinoidrc.com/f/immunoregulatory-role-of-cannabinoids-during-infectious-disease

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mike-robinson-~-cannabis-heals-256b3192/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MikesEpilepsy
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cannabismymedicine/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MikeRob47354384, https://twitter.com/MikeRob23307223

You can find all of our podcasts at https://tsctalks.com/podcast/

TSC Talks Mike Robinson