TSC Talks Guest Katherine Caulfield

TSC Talks guest Katherine Caulfield shared with us recently.  Katy is an author, energy healer, astrologer, and mystic “focused on self-love, self-healing, and holistic wellness through uniting the spiritual and physical realms”. Jill crossed paths with her when given the gift of a channeled healing through past podcast guest, Dorina Leslie. Not familiar with this modality of healing, I had no idea what to expect, was concerned I was going to “screw it up” and was pleasantly surprised at the outcome. I received some poignant insight and feedback which helped significantly and thought it would be great to have Katy on to share her own story of how she got into this line of work, as well as how she was led to channel 9 books, her kundalini awakening and thoughts on our current state of affairs with COVID.

From her website, “Inspired by her own eye-opening spiritual and Kundalini awakening in 2013, Katherine began to follow her heart, her curiosity, her passions and to remember why she had incarnated on Earth. This led to lots of writing, energy work, astrology, travel, communing with nature, learning about consciousness and so much more! A few years later, in the summer of 2015, she received first contact from The Spirit Collective, a team of non-physical guides who informed her they had nine books for her to channel. She is now honored and grateful to deliver these important messages of love and wisdom to all of humanity.”

Katy started out by sharing how she was led to this work through her grandmother, “I would say, it almost goes back to my grandmother. So I was named after her, Catherine Katie. And she was a psychic. And so she did these readings. So I grew up with this. I grew up thinking it was normal, you know.”

She went on to explain coming to the realization that she had psychic abilities, “I think had always been on some level aware from a young age. Like I had an imaginary friend that I spoke to, which is probably more of like an angel. But, I didn’t really step into it until into my 20s.  And it was after she passed that, and you know, who knows how that all works, but, she’s definitely supporting me on the other side as well.”

Pretty cool stuff.  Here’s one more snippet and then you can go listen to the episode!
“2013 was when I really, as far as I know, I had a spontaneous Kundalini awakening.
It was very intense, very intense, it totally rocked my world.  There was no control, there’s no way that I could have changed it or, directed it, it was coming from a higher place.  I mean, I experienced a lot. And I can go into that, but, very high highs, and then really low lows. So very transformative. But when it first happened, and really throughout, and since then, I would say the only way I could describe it was like a full embodiment, receiving of grace, like divine grace like that.”

We will update these show notes with a listing of topics and time they play within the episode shortly!

Check out Katy’s website: https://quantum-freedom.com
(203) 240-3687   |   quantumfreedomllc@gmail.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwz59snnvrvojifGHAuNhmQ
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/quantum_freedom/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/katy.caulfield

All of our podcasts can be found at https://tsctalks.com/podcast/

TSC Talks Guest Mike Robinson~Healer Vs. M.D.

TSC Talks guest Mike Robinson, Cancer Survivor/Cannabis Activist – Founder, Global Cannabinoid Research Center, comes on to discuss some of the current challenges in the cannabis community as well as exciting opportunities and projects coming your way. He starts off answering the initial question regarding who is reliable and trustworthy in the industry, we delve into challenges with cannabis certifications, the misconceptions surrounding the term “healer” and the lack of respect and credibility, and why these perceptual challenges exist.

We also discuss the sharing of information parent to parent on platforms such as Facebook, and how this can be valuable as well as how professional platforms often don’t give the level of detail one can gain from online groups. There is much caution needed in all areas of sharing information on cannabinoid medicine as well as assessing what is accurate and reliable. Mike has years of in-depth hands-on experience working in the compassion program one on one with many many individuals and discusses what it takes to “dial-in” a protocol, emphasizing the need for personalization and tweaking of one’s regimen, getting in touch with our physical and psychological cues to learn what will work best for our own cannabinoid medicine treatment as well as our loved ones for whom we might seek support and guidance in learning to implement this valuable and often last-resort life-saving treatment for those living with chronic and often life-threatening conditions.

Below are some links with more information. Stay tuned for another full podcast episode with Mike discussing the disconnect between the healer and the M.D. in traditional and cannabinoid medicine and offers some suggestions and hope for bridging that gap.

There’s a lot more here that’s well worth your time. Please note that Mike has launched (in his spare time) a platform for those who are “in need of help” in light of the global pandemic we are facing with covid19. https://whosneedinghelp.com.

We will shortly be launching another podcast with content related to Mike Robinson’s work and other life minded professionals and patients will be housed and will shortly be including more information on this podcast where we hope to put out shorter, more frequent information/Q & A, support and resources on cannabinoid medicine, and promoting our shortly to be launched botanical beverage that will truly knock your socks off. Watch our website, look for announcements on the front page banner related to this new content.

As always, thanks for listening, caring and sharing as we talk about “the things no one else wants to talk about ” and try to bridge gaps in misunderstandings, perception, and lack of education to come together as human beings doing our best to find some quality of life and joy while here on this planet.

Mike’s links:

Article about his personal experience: https://www.mikesmedicines.com/medical-marijuana/fighting-ordered-isolation-with-cannabiniods-coronavirus-scare-hits-our-home/

On the role of cannabinoids in fighting disease: https://globalcannabinoidrc.com/f/immunoregulatory-role-of-cannabinoids-during-infectious-disease

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mike-robinson-~-cannabis-heals-256b3192/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MikesEpilepsy
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cannabismymedicine/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MikeRob47354384, https://twitter.com/MikeRob23307223

You can find all of our podcasts at https://tsctalks.com/podcast/

TSC Talks Mike Robinson