TSC Talks! Final podcast~Wrapping it Up & Thanks

Jill wraps up the podcast! I started in 2016 by interviewing my kids and how they were affected by Tuberous Sclerosis Complex. It was absolutely divine inspiration from the start and branched out shortly after to interviewing community members and other professionals who worked with those affected. From there, I explored many different topics, providing information and resources in interview form, all with relevance to the individuals and/or parents/caregivers affected by a chronic illness like TSC.

Pushing the boundaries of what was deemed “safe and effective” by our medical system, I continued to put the info out there based on my own lived experience as a parent/caregiver living and dealing with what I’d come to discover is CPTSD if you want to use a label. It was my vision and still is that all “remedies” for improving the quality of life of all involved in the wheels of chronic illness, particularly one such as TSC which affects all the vital body organs, will be an option for all.

Why should we hold back the river when there are so many speaking about how their lives have been impacted by sharing their truths, sharing what’s worked for them and what potentially might help another ease the very real and almost daily traumas of attempting to live with an open heart and navigate our inverted systems of care?

Many of these podcasts go against the grain of what people are comfortable hearing. There are always positive takeaways but there are some heavy heavy experiences that people are walking through and talking about and must be given voice. I think through honest conversation, and taking full responsibility for one’s reactions to other’s sharing from their most painful, heart-wrenching moments, we can begin to hear each other once again at least long enough to realize, we’re all having vastly different experiences yet we all long to be here now, safe, loved, whole, home.

Thanks for tuning in and being here there and everywhere. It’s been the pleasure of a lifetime to have the opportunity to create and share this work.

Love Jill

Points of Light~James Davis, Bay Staters for Natural Medicine, “Advocacy from the Heart”

I had the pleasure of interviewing James Davis recently on TSC Talks. As you’ll hear in the podcast, we connected a little over a year ago when he was just getting started with Bay Staters for Natural Medicine and looking for volunteers. At that time, I’d been experimenting with microdosing natural medicine for mental health reasons, it was helping, and I thought I’d jump in. Life pulled me away from that volunteer work, but James made a profound impression on me, and I had the notion that he’d be successful in whatever he endeavored, particularly his advocacy around decriminalization of plant entheogens, as his passion, kindness, and honesty just stands out. When we connected to do the podcast, I was not surprised, but also surprised by the progress he and the growing team of volunteers he leads has made over the past year. He hits it home on so many topics within this pod, I thought it best just to include the full transcript. Thanks, James, for showing up, being such a divine-human and inspiring, and leading many to make a difference. Enjoy the pod!

Links: https://www.baystatersnm.org/





“James Davis is a leader of Bay Staters for Natural Medicine. They have mobilized over a thousand Massachusetts volunteers to decriminalize Somerville, Cambridge, Northampton, and Easthampton and have pending resolutions in Boston, Burlington (VT), Amherst, Worcester, Needham, Salem, and Medford. These resolutions decriminalize growing and selling plants like magic mushrooms, which reduce the risk of opioid addiction 55% after a single experience and have been proven to have statistically significant benefits for PTSD and depression. Their resolutions also end all controlled substance possession arrests, referring people for addiction treatment and committing our cities to invest in these services. In this episode, you will also learn about the other types of entheogenic plants and the power they hold to help us heal”

Here’s an excerpt from the transcript, the full transcript is available here~https://tsctalks.com/tsc-talks-james-davis-transcript/

James D: Thanks, James, thank you so much for having me, Jill. I’m really excited to chat and I am really [00:02:00] grateful for the support you showed for bay Staters.

When we were just a 10 follower Instagram group. We only started about a year and some months ago. And at that stage, We were just weirdos, emailing our city councils, sharing our stories with plant medicine. We took the philosophy that we didn’t need to fundraise a lot of money. We didn’t need to even have a website active to just start doing this advocacy work and start speaking from the heart.

And you know, what this has snowballed into is really, really awesome and beautiful and all the lessons we’ve learned along the way and advocacy. About the medicines themselves just from meeting so many people whose lives have been changed with this psilocybin experience or an MDMA experiment experience or an LSD experience.

So just really honored to be here and really glad that we met too. Yeah. Thanks. Yeah. To tell you a little bit more about who I [00:03:00] am. I know you mentioned all those credentials Yeah, they really don’t define who I am. I would say. So I, I grew up in Kansas in a trailer park that was on the wrong side of the railroad tracks.

So all the middle-class kids lived on one side a Walmart supercenter. And then I lived on the side that was mostly liquor stores and churches and run down streets. So. I was raised by my mom my biggest inspiration in life and she Growing up was always working multiple jobs to make ends me really inspire me to work hard as well.

And then she was dealing with a lot of intergenerational trauma herself. Her father’s had served in the Pacific theater, the Korean war and Vietnam. And. There was just a lot of, a lot of trauma that she had picked up from childhood and then relationships stemming from, from being a young woman and just growing [00:04:00] alongside her.

It really shaped me into the person I am today and made me really compassionate to help people who are struggling in poverty who have that intergenerational trauma. So that’s why I think fundamentally this line of work emerged from.

Jill W: That’s really beautiful. I know I’m sure that was not, it was a tough upbringing in a lot of ways, but I, yeah, just to have your mom, just to have that connection with your mom.

I, I remember when I first met you and I should say, I don’t know how our paths crossed specifically. Maybe through social media, but I ended up doing a little bit of advocacy work with James and I’ve had my own plant medicine experiences that have been transformational. Really. I don’t want to say saved my life, but really gave me the insight I needed to.

To kind of take charge and not to be, not be a victim and be a participant in my, my life. So I, you know, [00:05:00] I’m so supportive of this, I think it’s, I think it’s great. I want to say everybody, but if it might not be right for everybody, but for as many people as possible. And I do want to say as a special needs mom we’re, we’re kind of trapped in a lot of situations that can’t, that don’t necessarily resolve.

And I think that having a tool like this can give you an ability to get above. The, the trauma that you’re actually you’re experiencing trauma. Either whether you’re witnessing it or you’re impacted by something that’s happening with your kids or the follow-up from relationship problems. And you know, this tool has been tremendous as well as I’d say cannabis as well, but the plant medicines, the plants, thank God for the plants.

Yeah. So how’s the, you know, you guys have done amazing since I last was even involved. So I don’t know if you want to talk further about that or move into a more personal discussion and talk about like what your life’s been like you gave a little bit, or [00:06:00] any particular lived experience that has moved you into, you know, further understanding why you’re here and what you’re doing.

Kind of thing.

James D: So I’m going to try to actually combine those questions, a segue into the ladder. So where we kind of left off in early 2020 is we had finally heard back from Somerville city councilors mantra. The old mantra goes, you know first, they ignore you. Then they laugh at you, then they debate you, and then you went and that’s the exact formula we have seen across the state with plant medicine is you’re not taken seriously at first, but then when they’re receiving an email a day, From people who are very credentialed and very serious about how this has changed their life, they start to pay attention because the city counselors see a lot of human suffering in their own communities and their own families.

See link above for continuation of transcript!

Points of Light~Cannabis & Spirituality with Sherri Tutkus, RN, BSN

I recently heard some talk in spiritual communities about cannabis, how it possibly harshes our evolution. I’ll admit, I was a little bit triggered when I first heard this. I felt for a moment that what I’d come to understand as my truth, (using cannabis as medicine and as a portal to divine connection and expansion), was under the microscope. I think there’s a lot of misunderstanding of cannabis, cannabis as medicine, cannabis as an entheogen. What I was hearing from some within the spiritual community, didn’t line up with what I had learned and experienced and it was confusing. Cannabis, in many ways, opened a portal so I could see how to save my own life.

So, I did what has become a foundational transformational process for me and I took it to the podcast to ask the burning question I had on my mind about cannabis and spirituality. I thought, “why not interview somebody that I know that has some lived experience in that area?” I reached out to my friend Sherri Tutkus, RN, BSN, Green Nurse, former podcast guest, to see if she’d have this discussion with me. And of course, she said yes. (I will continue interviewing individuals who are interested in sharing their “story” of how their lived experiences, of all shades, let them to stepping more fully into their soul’s purpose.)

From a very young age, Sherri was connected and had some experiences with the divine. What followed from my initial query is a beautiful discussion with her just blowing my mind with the things she’s experienced and where she’s gone and come back from to be a shining light and a heck of a guide for others. Through her combo of traditional medical education, deep lived experience as a patient, nurse, mother, medical cannabis patient, psychedelic explorer and guide, podcaster, businesswoman, and friend to many, her depth of insight is epic. I learned a lot and realized I had the answer within, which it always is, needing a little context and connection to spring loose. Let’s hope you can find some valuable insight as well. Let it rip!

Sherri Tutkus BSN- RN is a leading force in the burgeoning cannabis industry as a nurse, patient, advocate, and activist. All that she shares and teaches facilitates our own innate ability to step more fully into our authentic, divine selves. Sherri is the Founder of The Green Nurse and Chief Nursing Officer at Holistic Caring- a global community of health professionals who provide vetted products and services to support the utilization of plant medicine and other progressive therapies to nourish the endocannabinoid system (ECS). Sherri educates and implements holistic integrative healing modalities within her nursing practice at https://thegreennurse.com/team/sherri-tutkus/

“And through all of that my discovery was this. We have beliefs, and beliefs are fed to us from the outside. And so, we have a choice to either believe it or not believe it. Right. But does a belief make it true? That’s the question that people need to ask. So, truth…. what is truth? Truth is basically when someone has an experience, that can become their truth. All truth is truth. But all truth is not yours and mine at the same time.”

Timestamps with links:

0:00-4:00~Introduction of topic and Sherri
4-5:50~Where it all started…Church (Irish Catholic), early experiences, the angelic realm
5:50-6:49~Beliefs and truth, What is Truth? “All truth is truth but not all truth is yours and mine at the same time”
6:50-7:19~Perception, consciousness, processing
7:20-8:00~ PTSD, trauma response…what happens inside someone is how they view the outside world. Go inside to heal.
8:00-8:45~my teachers throughout the years, exploring modalities, college
8:46-9:34~Sick as a child-Rhys Syndrome, almost died, sick in 2012, almost died~found cannabis
9:35-10:24~Spiritual journey enriched by cannabis, the 2012-conventional medical system failed
10:25-11:19~Son Nicholas born dead. Had rare genetic disorder, communicated with her from birth, paranormal became normal in her home.
11:20-12:29~Spiritual experiences helped her evolve. Nicholas, saw angel, “Mike’s here, he’s a big angel and he wants to tell you that everything will be ok”~ was led into new healing modalities
12:30-12:55~All personal and professional experiences led her to where she is
12:56-13:24~Spirituality is everything! Everything we say or do affects everything else
13:25-15:14~from suffering to hope, decrease stigma, started her podcast, gained real-world experiences~H.I.G.H. reframe
15:15-15:59~Spiritual principles
16:00-18:31~Jill on spiritual community concerns with cannabis, what does consciousness really mean? Question that.
18:32-19:19~on cannabis, anatomy and physiology impacted, neuroprotectant, open neural pathways and eliminate “the box”
19:20-19:59~all here to walk each other home!
20:00-21:00~Cannabis is Ppleotropic-multisystem…all physiological systems at the same time from within. Endocannabinoid system
21:01-22:40~Mother anti-cannabis-Sherri interviewed a nun, Sister Suzanne who was on a ton of fentanyl and got off using cannabinoid medicine (22:25-what would Jesus say? Jesus would say God is in that plant)
22:41-24:37~Nursing, spirituality, cannabis nursing~caring for the entire human experience, connecting with patients, no judgment, hold sacred space
24:38-26:42~ Jean Watson’s theory on human caring is pretty much pairs up really nicely with how we take care of patients https://nurseslabs.com/jean-watsons-philosophy-theory-transpersonal-caring/ , Carey Clark,PhD https://www.amazon.com/Cannabis-Carey-Clark-PhD-AHN-BC/dp/1975144260 A nurse IS her office. Holding space and meeting the patient where they are at
26:43-27:43~ Sherri’s practices, other plant medicine, plant entheogens, psychedelic medicine, Psychedelic nurse with Keta, MD~https://ketamd.com/certified to do home therapy, Shamanic journeys support exploration
27:44~Danielle Simone Brand’s book “Weed Mom” https://www.daniellesimonebrand.com/
28:43~Healy, frequency healing https://healanalyzer.com/
28:51-29:59~Psychedelics, understanding complex PTSD…getting triggered (everything that hurt you comes back), break the unconscious cycle, deepest work with Shamans
30:00-30:35~Psychedelic journeys, how can I heal myself so I can show another?
30:36-31:29~Holistic Caring, Psychedelic Nursing https://holisticcaring.com/
31:30-32:34~Psilocybin and Vets, Psychedelic Nursing, grow your own mushrooms
32:35-33:18~Psychedelics, legality~Ketamine is legal
33:19-34:16-Processing emotion, feelings are meant to be felt
34:17-35:48~Green Nurse Retreats for Energized Living with Denise Costello Cannabis retreats, immersive weekends, also will include psychedelic retreats-microdosing and hero’s journey. in the near future https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTu44Wq2NSo
35:49-38:00~Using Cannabis for “spirituality”…pay attention, gratitude, intention, what do you have to show me? Peace Begins with Me, pausing and listening. Nurse Carey Lee and Sherri…https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZE7uyiaiBU
38:01-39:59~What happens if you get TOO high? Too much THC-CBD! Lemons, shower
40:00-41:24~Sherri shares a funny personal experience when making edibles
41:25-43:06~Holistic Caring and The Green Nurse information, programs for those in the industry, energy healing, nonprofit…sponsorship goes back into nonprofit, vetting products, dispensaries that want a nursing line
43:06-45:14~Community, the importance of… free supportive community off social media at https://holisticcaring.com
45:15-end Thriving vs. Surviving

Thanks, Sherri!!

TSC Talks Guest Sarah Hope

TSC Talks guest Sarah Hope joins me for a connected conversation sponsored by the plants.🌿  It was wonderful to cross paths with Sarah Hope on LinkedIn recently and have her as a guest on the podcast. She is the first Microdose Coach I have met, let alone interviewed. I have a personal interest in microdosing, mostly cannabis, but recently have tried psilocybin with excellent results. It has been a tool to engage in some perceptual shifts, processing and healing that I found subtle, non-toxic, and exceptionally worthwhile. “With micro-dosing, basically, what you’re going for is a sub-perceptual effect, so that you have a slight increase in brain connectivity, but you’re not having so much electricity or connectivity in the brain that you’re tripping or having a plant journey. But you’re in this sort of, like, sub perceptual spot, slightly more open to life, perhaps slightly more focused. And it’s something probably that people have been doing since ancient times, but the person who made it famous or the person who really kind of operationalize it as a psychological treatment was Dr. James Fadiman.” I’m clipping this bio from her LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shopecoaching/

“I believe in your ability to reconnect with your own true, sacred and powerful nature. When you choose to do so you will access your own power in order to realize your own unique contribution to humanity. When we choose to work together we will settle for nothing less than the best expression of your talent and skill as we design the life you came here to live. I offer this work via three channels.

Forest Medicine Coaching: Whole life coaching programs and rituals for individuals, couples and groups. www.forestmedicinecoaching.com

Reclaiming the Sacred: Purposeful spiritual and cultural retreats and ceremonies and bilingual mindfulness services for people in the midst of life transition.

Trusted referral and connection services: I also help individuals and groups connect with the trusted professionals in the entheogenic and contemplative therapy community to find the best fit for their needs and availability.

Bilingual services and retreats in Mexico and South and Central America. ”

For more information, check out Sarah’s social media links:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/forestmedicinecoaching/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/forestmedicinecoaching/

You can find all of our podcasts at https://tsctalks.com/podcast/

Watch for an upcoming announcement for a virtual holiday market coming soon!!

TSC Talks Guests Sherri Tutkus and Mark Worster

TSC Talks guests Sherri Tuktus and Mark Worster fill us in on how Green Nurses turn the tables on some of the aspects of the top-heavy traditional healthcare model and seek to empower the patient with education, empowering them to ask questions and engage with the curriculum instead of being handed a prescription and sent out the door.

Sherri is the Founder, CEO, and Executive Director at GreenNurse Group, Member of International Association of Psychedelic Nursing, Director of Nursing (DON) at Irie Bliss Wellness, Founding Member at Cannabis Nurses Network, and member at American Cannabis Nurses Association. Sherri is a cannabis nurse, patient, and advocate. She earned her Bachelors in Science and Nursing from Boston College. She is a highly skilled Registered Nurse with 30 years of practical experience in various departments within the hospital and home setting.

She is utilizing her expert nursing skills as a medical center specialist, clinical nurse liaison and educator to bridge the gap between patients and the cannabis community. Sherri has been educating and implementing holistic integrative healing modalities within her practice for over 20 years.

She educates on the endocannabinoid system and the safe utilization of cannabis at dispensaries, hospitals, clinics, patients’ homes, and she regularly does pop up events and expos.

Nurse Mark is an entrepreneur, leader, fitness guru, business/life coach, healthcare professional, and author of Absolutely F**king Amazing: Living a Life You Love, an Amazon #1 Best Seller. He is a Registered Nurse licensed in Massachusetts and New York. In 2017, he began his cannabis education – studying how to utilize it as a tool to create a happier, less stressed, pain-free life and completed in-depth training to become a Cannabis Nurse, which has allowed him to do work that he loves: Showing folks how to use this amazing plant to create powerful lives.

Nurse Mark has a personal experience with medical cannabis. He’s dealt with lifelong, medication-resistant depression and mood disorder. He’s been through the mental health system, explored all the pathways to health and happiness, and have successfully created a daily regimen designed to relieve his depression and allow for the creation of the greatest, joy-filled life ever.

He states, “I truly believe that you can do anything you want to do. The power lies in choice – choosing what you want and then getting into action.”

What is a Green Nurse- With Sherri Tutkus and Mark Worster

Intro to Sherri and Mark- 4:05

Mark’s Background- 5:17

Wanting to create a positive, meaningful impact- 5:40

How he got into Cannabis- 6:20

From a Cannabis Agnostic to a Green Nurse- 7:29

Sherri’s Background- 9:18

Founded the Green Nurse Group After Founding Out How Cannabis Worked for Her- 10:30

Co-Founders of the Green Nurse Platform- 11:17

Patient Empowerment- 14:18

Qualifications and Certifications to Become a Green Nurse- 15:26

What a Person Should do When Interested in Using Cannabinoid Medicine- 17:34

An Experience that Stands Out- 20:47

What Supports the Endocannabinoid System- 27:30

The 12th System- 36:36

Green Nurse Jody- 39:54

Impact and Adaptation to COVID-19- 42:28

Inspiration, Growth, and Healing- 44:32


Contact and Links:

Sherri Tutkus







Instagram- the_greennurse/

Facebook- GreenNurseSherri/

LinkedIn- /in/stutkusherri


Green Nurse Group

Email- info@greennursegroup.com

Websites- https://greennursegroup.com/

Facebook- GreenNurseGroup/

Twitter- /Green_Nurses

Instagram- /greennursegroup/


Mark Worster

Email- info@nursemark.co

Website- https://nursemark.co/

Podcast- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/nursemark/id1459301823

Facebok- /nursemark

Twitter- @markworster

Instagram- /nursemarkw/

LinkedIn- /in/markworster/