TSC Talks Guest Chris Chambers

TSC Talks guest Chris Chambers is a fascinating man.  I recently had the honor of interviewing the Purple Heart Vietnam Vet who speaks out about the need for medical cannabis for veterans. Chris is a Public Figure For Veterans, Founder of Vet Meds Matter, Motivational Speaker, Mentor, Advocate.  I crossed virtual paths with him when I saw him on a video Mike Robinson posted during the 100,000,000 million mg CBD giveaway and was impressed with his story. In our first conversation, (of which it took 3 to get this audio!🙃 ), Chris mentioned being a Quaker. I immediately felt a connection as my own father was immersed in this philosophy/denomination towards the end of his life. The tenets of kindness towards all, and finding value in every human being despite any external circumstances were a huge part of his mantra. The same can be said for Chris, which you will hear echoed throughout this episode. Chris-Chambers-Military

TSC Talks guest Chris Chambers is a generous, humble, living piece of art! He gave us details on his life since his early childhood, through his experiences in the army, and through many rough patches that he’s been through. He truly has shocking experiences, and now he is happy to be breathing and being able to do good in this world. A truly humble human being that can be considered a living miracle.

He has an extensive resume which includes Sr. Chief Operations Director at VAONC, business owner at Aqua Business Development, Sr. Vice Commander at LifeCall MediAlert Inc., former Superior & Federal Court Officer at County Legal Services of Santa Clara County, former President/CEO at Top Priority Solutions, founder of The Water Chamber, and studied Computer Science and Technology.

Here’s a blog about Chris Chambers written by Mike Robinson Founder, Global Cannabinoid Research Center, Cancer Survivor, Cannabis Advocate and TSC Talks LLC Director of Research and Developlent: Purple Heart Recipient Chris Chambers Talks Cannabis and Veterans- Wounded Physically In A Brutal War & Fighting A System That Refuses To Properly Help P.T.S.D., Cannabis Is His Medicine To Set His Mind At Ease:

Topics Discussed

Early family History and Civil Air Patrol at Age 14 [0:33]

Army [2:41]

Unwelcomed Back [4:45]

Unwelcomed Home [5:54]

Remorse Wanted him Dead [6:38}

Abducted [10:43]

His Journey Taught him to be a Humanitarian [16:00]

New Beginning [16:26]

Proposed a Bill to Congress [17:35]

Saving Thousands of Lives each Month with “Life Call- Life Alert- Lifeline” [18:34]

The Water Chamber [20:12]

100% Disability for Extreme PTSD [29:21]

64 Pills a Day vs. Cannabis [29:59]

From Federal Officer to Truck Driver [31:51]

Another Crumbling Accident [34:28]

Cannabis Led him to Mr. Peron [36:01]

Cannabis Regrowing Bone Marrow [36:18]

A Living Piece of Art [37:27]

Cannabis’ Continuing Impact [38:23]


You can find all of our podcasts at https://tsctalks.com/podcast/

Visit https://thesourcecannabinoids.com for hemp derived cannabinoid topical products formulated by Mike Robinson, Founder, Global Cannabinoid Research Center.

TSC Talks Guest Roberto Paleco

TSC Talks guest Roberto Paleco joined us in our “virtual land” to discuss his amazing journey and career as a Medical Researcher/Scientist, Entrepreneur, from Australia, Italian born. He started a company to do research and clinical trials “for hire” to bridge the gap in the Australian medical cannabis industry.  Roberto has a passion for nature and chemistry. After years of studying and working in the field as a medical researcher, Roberto decided to work on medical cannabis research entirely, which led him to create ResearchCan. He has a passion for natural medicine, mind-body connection, and chemistry of the body, which made him study different diseases and therapies. He understands that there are people who are suffering and dying that could be helped in different, but simple, ways than the pharma norm.

Roberto mentions the gastrointestinal microbiome. It’s something that I just learned about in probably the last five or six years. As someone who was on a bunch of pharmaceuticals, the impact on the gastrointestinal system was significant. And the mind-body connection, I think that’s something that while it’s taught, it’s becoming more prevalent. People are understanding the microbiome and the gut that connects gut/brain connection.

He developed ResearchCan to make a difference. He mentions it was a hard decision to step out and expose his research, but he also acknowledges that he needs to show the public what he is discovering. Roberto stated that, “We understood the necessity of providing medical cannabis industries with the technology to develop products using pharmaceutical enhancement and medical devices.”

Roberto has an extensive and interesting journey in this field. He explained:

“My passion for natural medicine started during my university studies, where I had obtained the medical and pharmaceutical knowledge to create drugs and the understanding of drug interaction with the human body. As a scientist, I always found the chemistry of the body and the pharmaceutical technologies fascinating. In my career, I studied different diseases and therapies to have a bigger vision of medical treatments. I studied topic formulation to treat skin cancer in Ireland. I moved to Sydney to become an expert on inhalation and nasal administration for respiratory conditions. I have participated in a clinical trial in collaboration with UTS, where I remained fascinated by the connection mind-body studying gastrointestinal conditions. In all of these apparently unrelated conditions and others in my advice, medical cannabis can be used as primary therapy or as a combination to help unavailable and sometimes inefficient conventional treatments.”

“I’ve been aware of the potential of medical cannabis for a long time, and I always tried in my career in Academia to make people understand it. However, nowadays, the barrier is still strong. In the years, I saw people suffering and even die from pathologies that could be treated with this plant. Finally, the world looks like realigning about the use of medical cannabis and I hope one day Australia will lead to this change.”

“My personal experience is that the Academia here is not ready for this change and my advice is that medical cannabis companies should invest money in research and developing medical products privately and directly as pharmaceutical companies always did. Australian universities have incredible laboratories and scientists, but at the moment, there are not sufficient government grants to develop cannabis research within the University, and the old bureaucracy around the intellectual property is discouraging the cannabis industry to invest in research. Besides this limitation, there is here in Australia, a market and a business interest in terms of investment and capability. Government legislation around cannabis prohibition is fast-changing, so I think that with a different approach, we can make the difference.”

Roberto explained the development and creation of ResearchCan:

“I created ResearchCan with a group of friends, all experts on formulation development and almost ten years of experience as medical researchers. We understood the necessity of providing medical cannabis industries with the technology to develop products using pharmaceutical enhancement and medical devices. I decided to create an independent group of scientists to detach our company and research from university bureaucracy and pharmaceutical company control, to be able to deliver cost-worthy research and the access to medical technologies to medical cannabis companies. We hope to become the pharmaceutical research and development partner of a medical cannabis company that has our same vision of this unique opportunity.”

“Our vision is to use medical chosen extracts more efficiently delivered to better target conditions using medical products. Having pharmaceutical formulations to deliver cannabis extracts using different administration pathways can increase the use of medical cannabis. The use of available pharmaceutical technologies will allow the reduction of active ingredients required and a real reduction of the therapy cost, improving the bioavailability and efficacy of the drug. Reducing the cost and creating products with high patient compliance is the key to deliver this medicine and to speed up the change in the legislation that is happening worldwide driven by many patients.”

He also has a vision for the future! He states the following:

“Nowadays, we have access to the technology to prove cannabis’ medical efficacy and to create the pharmaceutical products that the market need.  The use of in vitro analysis can help to choose appropriate extracts to be used to treat specific diseases and conditions. The in vitro analyses are used to develop a treatment for specific cancer types, to develop a formulation to access the brain efficiently to treat epilepsy seizures and to test cannabis for the treatment of chronic inflammation diseases efficiently. The use of in vitro analysis can help to choose appropriate extracts to be used to treat specific diseases and conditions. The in vitro analyses are used to develop a treatment for specific cancer types, to develop a formulation to access the brain efficiently to treat epilepsy seizures and to test cannabis for the treatment of chronic inflammation diseases efficiently. Furthermore, getting scientific proofs and creating medical formulations is essential to help health professionals to prescribe medical cannabis more safely and efficaciously, opening future access to more diseases. As a group of experts in pharmaceutical formulation delivery, we have been developing prototypes for a nebulizer, a nasal spray formulation and a fast-dissolving sublingual tablet to administer the cannabis extract in different dosages and to better access specific targets. Our plan is to create the knowledge and products needed to give millions of patients an alternative that they need.”

One important aspect mentioned by Roberto is that these prototypes are not standard medical formulations, and that is because it needs to be unique for each individual, their different needs, and the individual’s specific body aspects.

Links to Roberto Paleco:


All of our podcasts can be found at https://tsctalks.com/podcast/

Check out our new cannabinoid topical formulated by Mike Robinson: https://thesourcecannabinoids.com/shop

TSC Talks Guest Dani McQueen

TSC Talks guest Danielle, Dani McQueen, is a true champion in the cannabis world, business owner, who has been nominated with Best Cannabis Company of the Year, ​Maine Cannabis Activist, Business Leader of the Year, Champion in Corrupt Responsibility, Best Innovation: Hot Cocoa, and Young Entrepreneur of the Year. While that, she is also a mother of a special superhero little girl that suffers from the same autoimmune disease as she does. Danielle demonstrates her rough path but also her strength to follow her instincts, and as every human being, with doubts and uncertainty but reaches an amazing lifestyle for her family while also helping other families. She shares a story of overcome but also the real struggle as a person who suffers from Ankylosing Spondylitis. Danielle just really uprooted herself and moved to Maine to help her child and herself. I’m just very impressed with what I’ve learned so far. Danielle shares her story timeline with us on the next few quotes.

“I always knew I wanted to help people. At an early age, I also knew something was wrong with me too. I had gotten into a little bit of trouble at school. I love the gymnastics part in flipping and I thought I could do this. But I also started to realize that I was getting pains, you know, and everyone kind of chalked it up until I was probably around 16, when it really started to affect me. By 17 years old I started, you know, I’ve seen every doctor. I’ve been diagnosed with lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, to everything. So, being diagnosed with so many diagnoses, it’s just because it was kind of unknown. It was a little by 18 when they had known that it was Ankylosing Spondylitis and I was put on oxycodone.”

“This next month, I’ll be going into my third surgery, they’ll be doing a full fusion from the cervix down. Just because I’ve had so many slipped discs and fractures that are kind of just deteriorating. So I’m a little nervous.”

“Every time something like this happens I think of my daughter, what her future might look like. Because like I was saying, when I was a teenager, they put me on oxycodone and it helps, of course. Back then, these drugs were just coming to market. These doctors were taught by the pharmaceuticals that these were lifesavers or they were for some people, I’m not denying that fact. But for me, being so young, I probably shouldn’t have been put on oxycodone. Over time, it stopped helping. And at this point, I was in college and I was going to school to be a nurse and now at this time, after oxycodone, I’m put on the fentanyl patch and this I’m using with  the oxycodone. The fentanyl patch and the oxycodone. So now I’m in school and I’m learning in the medical world. And I start to learn that maybe I shouldn’t be on these doses. Maybe I shouldn’t be on these medications. Maybe it’s okay to question the doctors.”

“I was a manager of a Suboxone clinic a few years ago, and I thought to myself, I was no different than these people, except they went to get their drugs from the street; I just had to go to my doctor. She’d write me a prescription and I’d be on my way. I mean, there was no difference to me.”

“I just felt something was wrong. I feel really guilty saying this. One time I’d walked into my doctor’s office to get a prescription. There were a lot of people in police uniforms and there are people carrying boxes and the nurse was really sneaky about getting me into a room. I don’t remember seeing the doctor that day. I just saw my prescription. And I was in a haze. I feel like from 18 to 22 I literally feel like I don’t recall a lot of how I managed to graduate school and do the things I did in that time period, still amazing to me. But that next day I read in the newspaper that my doctor was under investigation for overprescribing narcotics. There were a lot of overdoses in our town at that time. And this doctor was connected to them. Well, next thing I know I’m being called by the board of medicine because my medical records have been found outside of her office being disposed of. So now I’m caught in this, ‘I’m addicted to drugs. who’s going to supply my drugs now. This is so embarrassing. It’s in the newspaper. I’m in the medical field.’ I went through this stage of full-blown depression, I didn’t know what to do on my bed. Thankfully, it was a time of my life- life has given back to me because I had no choice other than to either go to the streets and become a drug addict or detox. And I don’t recommend detoxing at home, but I was too ashamed to go to the same hospital I worked in. And so I detox at home. The worst 14 days of my life. Pain I never felt, sickness and things I’ve never felt before, and I wouldn’t want to ever again. I think that’s why I’ve stayed off of narcotics because that feeling I remember of coming off of them. On day 15 I remember my younger brother offering me a joint and I was mortified. I was like, whoa, how dare you!”

Yeah, the recovery movement. They really were not very pro-cannabis. In fact, I dropped out because they weren’t. I was in an addiction. I was going back to school to become an addiction counselor and they passed around this magazine with marijuana on the front of it like it was the worse thing, and I was sitting there and I had just started using. I felt so guilty and it was helping me and I was getting off meds and I was like, I can’t do this. I can’t get off.

“I get it. I was mortified. And then you know what, I did it because what was the other option? I was so sick, I was so sick, and all of a sudden I feel better, and how do we get more of this stuff? You know? So here I am. I work at the hospital. I’m using my younger brother to go buy me marijuana, you know, like, mortifying, but then I started to realize this is going to help. This is going to be the thing that helps me. And it started to help me and then I started to want to help other people. I got a job at a Suboxone clinic and I wanted to help people. I just thought that I could save the world. Then I started to realize I’m drug testing these patients. They are coming back positive for THC and the doc says, ‘that’s okay, Danny. No big deal. They come back something else that’s a problem.’ And I’m thinking why is this not legal? Why aren’t we just using it? Why can’t we give them weed because here I am… I’m smoking cannabis every day. It’s helping me stay clean, function with my disease, I’m treating these patients, and I’m hiding the fact that I probably smell like it. They thought it was them. It’s me the whole time.”

“Then you know what I got pregnant and there was no more I could hide it. There was no more of ‘I had to be quiet about it’ because Harley Rose, in 2015, early on, started to show symptoms of something and nobody knew what it was. But one day I went into her crib, she was stiff as a board. I picked her up and she was very hard, and her joints were very red and she had a fever of 102 and I knew right at that moment that I had genetically passed down something to her. It was the worst day of my life.  I just thought everything was like flashing. Everything I had gone through and I blamed… I blame myself. Her pediatrician was great. Quickly after the test they found out she had A.S. And right then it was like a whiplash.”

“I was very angry at this point, more at myself. I think Because I just felt like this is all my fault. I gave this to her my child’s gonna have to endure all the same things I have. So I was very scared and then like I said it was like a slide. they just wanted ‘Let’s do this. Let’s do that.’ And I said ‘let’s do none of it! What can I do herbally?”

“The doctors were not supportive of anything alternative. And about a week went by from the diagnosis and I was sitting, probably on a Friday and watching her and her body, she just hurt. You could tell, and I didn’t know what to do. And I had a prescription for pain medication and I was holding it and I just knew, I just knew I couldn’t do it. And within days, you know, we had quit our jobs. We had packed our home up and we had found a place in West Baldwin, Maine. And we didn’t have any jobs here. We didn’t have anything, only the hopes that somebody was going to help my daughter. And we left. We met Dr. Dustin.”

“I probably sounded like a lunatic. You know, I just said ‘please, I know you’re not accepting new patients. I need you to help.’ And within probably 24 hours, 48 hours, there was a callback. We had an appointment within days. We went in and I was terrified because still at this point didn’t want to give her the cannabis. I don’t know. I thought maybe this guy was just going to be able to give her an herbal. I don’t know what I thought. Honestly, I don’t know what I was doing or what I thought. I was so scared. He was so wonderful. He was like this white light come over us and we started her on cannabis and she started to do things you’ve never done before. I’ll never forget the day she took off running, jumped on the arm of the couch and Ninja flips.”

“And I thought, ‘do it again!’ My sisters would look at me and give me that look like ‘you shouldn’t be letting your baby do that.’ But I did I let her do things that maybe you shouldn’t have done.”

“I thought, maybe she’d been trapped, you know. So at that moment, the stigma for myself, you know, here I was, it was helping me but I still was scared to give it to my child. Then I gave it to her. She’s remarkable.”

“That’s when it was like, game on, world! Because if I’m doing everything, teach me how to grow, teach me how to grow cannabis, teach me how to do everything about cannabis.”

“And then I started to help one mom, and then that started to be two moms. And then it just really grew. And I never connected my business name with who I was as a mom helping these women. You know, I never wanted it to be combined. Now I have moms that I helped years ago say to me, ‘did you own this company back then?’ And I’ll laugh because, yeah, I did. But I just wanted them to know I was just like them. I just remember having nobody. I had nobody here. I was so depressed. I had left my mom, my sisters. I was a brand new mom myself. I didn’t know what I was doing. I didn’t have that. We were hours away from everybody we knew.”

We also opened up about the transitions that had to be made because of COVID19. Some of the questions we discussed were, ‘What has been the biggest challenge in the recent Coronavirus? How have you guys gotten through?’ Sounds like they are pretty well versed in their own, boosting their immune system and all the things that we can do.

“To be honest, I was terrified at first. Right at the beginning of it happening she had an EG to go into. We had tests like back to back. And some things that we had to go. So all of a sudden, they were kind of saying ‘you can come if you want to,’ but I’m watching the news, I’m terrified. I kept her inside completely. We couldn’t stop working, sadly. But we would protect herself as much as we could. We change our clothes outside. We would shower right when we came in, but I mean, she still had to go to doctors. So if she was really going to get it anywhere, it would probably be from there.”

Danielle really highlighted something that is important to me and it’s just like the connection that she has with what she’s doing and everything in her life. It seems like she kind of found her purpose and passion. I asked her ‘How do you see the future with your business? Any challenges so far?’

She gladly mentioned how strangers have impacted her life and helped her gather her strength in the hardest times.

“I just honestly want to help people. I just have to. I feel like if anything, my disease, my illness, my daughter’s illness. If it was given to us for any other reason, it’s totally because we can someway change somebody else’s life.”

I think going through something like that where you’re in a situation that really can’t be changed, it presents challenges that are really hard to endure by yourself, it changes you in ways that your whole purpose and meaning kind of shift. I think I’m coming to that kind of conclusion a lot later in life. But you can’t second guess that you go through what you go through to grow through or whatever cliche you want to use, but, I think it puts things in perspective when you look back and I think about the things that didn’t work out and what was down the road that made more sense and kind of brought things together. I can just relate to that. It’s about trying to help my kids and help other people that are just trapped in these disease situations where  they feel there’s no choice but pharma pharma, you know, locked in.

“It’s really sad. I just had a scan done a month ago. They came in I had just had days ago, and they said, like, ‘Danny, there’s 13 new fractures. You have to stop being stubborn and we have to get in there and we got to go operate.’ I’m the worst patient ever on work. But he says to me, ‘I gave you a drug screen. And you really did only test positive for cannabis.’ I start laughing so hard. I go, ‘did you think I was lying?’ And he goes, ‘I don’t know. Yeah, kinda because I thought …How is it that you’re functioning like you are.’ I kind of laughed, but I sent him, ‘I hope this is a learning experience for you that all I have in my system is cannabis. And here you are as a doctor saying, I should not be functioning without narcotics and you thought I was lying.’ And I said, ‘I’ll give you a deal if you want to start smoking cannabis,’ and he started laughing. It’s like that was a learning lesson. How dare you first of all drug test me, I told you I didn’t take drugs. I smoke weed, you know. But you know what? That moment I didn’t get mad about it because I hope the next patient he sees he’s run out of options for that person. He’s putting them morphine, and there’s nothing that’s helping. Maybe something click that says I met this girl one time, that’s way worse than you and all she did was smoke cannabis or eat cannabis and one life can be changed from what he saw.”

Website: https://www.oldmanfarms.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/oldman_goodies_llc/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/oldmangoodiesllc/

Thank you, Amora Correa, for your awesome job writing this blog!  We are thankful to have her as part of our team.

TSC Talks guest Liz Minda and Mike Robinson Pt 2

TSC Talks guest Liz Minda and Mike Robinson Part 1

In this episode of TSC Talks, I spoke to Liz Minda, RN and Mike Robinson, former TSC Talks guest, drops in for the second half of our conversation. Liz has three children, one of whom has significant special needs and issues related to epileptic seizures. Liz strongly believes her daughter’s issues are pharma injuries and we discuss that and the treatment protocol. Liz had her children later in life; her son was born when she was 48 and her twin daughters were born when she was 50. She had normal uneventful pregnancies and her children were all born healthy. All was well until, at 18 months old, one of her daughters developed a fever after her MMR/DPT vaccine. That was when she had her first seizure.

Liz’s daughter had no further seizures until she was 4. When the seizures came back, they were severe grand mal status epilepticus seizures. Liz hesitated to medicate her daughter because as an RN, she was aware of the difficulty of finding an effective medicine as well as the myriad of side effects anti-seizure meds can cause. When the seizures continued, they eventually started meds which began a cycle of seizures increasing in both frequency and duration. In addition to meds, they put the child on the ketogenic diet. The grueling regimen did not help her seizure activity. Liz was desperate after even the rescue med Diastat began to fail to control the seizures.

Liz got her daughter into the Epidiolex study at Mass General and her daughter’s seizures diminished for a few months, but they returned. When the seizures started again, doctors increased her pharmaceuticals which restarted the med, seizure pattern. Liz grew frustrated with the medical establishment who seemed determined to throw prescription after prescription at them at great financial, physical and emotional cost. She found a neuro-epileptologist who helped her begin weaning her daughter from some of the prescription meds and helped her transition to Charlotte’s Web.

Liz connected with Mike Robinson online and Mike and others in the Compassionate Cannabis world assisted Liz in finding a balanced cannabinoid medicine that worked for her daughter. Mike and Liz discuss Epidiolex and the pharmaceutical interactions which do not seem to be compensated for when using that med. Liver issues can be serious when Epidiolex or any type of CBD is combined with certain medications. Mike shares, “Even though we were using the Charlotte’s Web, Charlotte’s Web wasn’t enough to help us get off. We needed something stronger. We needed the Rick Simpson oil or full extract cannabis oil to get her off. Because we only had you know, once you get down to the minuscule doses of the pharmaceuticals, now you’re really up against you know, fighting seizures, because you go with a really slow business and that’s pretty much where we’ve stepped in, you know, it’s right with the actual compassion provision.”

Both Mike and Liz believe vaccine injury is real. We ask you to keep an open mind while listening. Before you form an opinion, walk a mile with Liz and Mike, hear their stories and then decide. Liz comments, “and then people say, vaccines don’t cause autism? Yes, they do, and here’s why. When the brain heats up and you get a fever, you’ve got brain on fire” and she believes that “brain on fire” condition causes both seizures and autism.

TSC Talks is presenting this narrative and these views do not necessarily represent the views of TSC Talks. We are encouraging you as listeners, to “walk a mile” in Liz’s shoes and understand the vast variability in the human genome which calls for a far more personalized approach to medicine than is currently the status quo.

Liz’s Links:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/liz-minda-98b9b1126/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100011148612874

Mike’s Links:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mike-robinson-~-cannabis-heals-256b3192/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MikesEpilepsy
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cannabismymedicine/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MikeRob47354384, https://twitter.com/MikeRob23307223

Thank you Liz and Mike for this valuable discussion.  You can find all of our podcasts at https://tsctalks.com/podcast/


TSC Talks Guest Sherri Tutkus


In this episode, my guest Sherri Tutkus, RN, BSN, Founder & CEO of Green Nurse Group, came on the podcast to share a powerful and inspiring mother/son story that follows the timeline from receiving a diagnosis at birth of her son Nicholas with Branchio-Oculo-Facial Syndrome through current day. Sherri gives one of the most powerful illustrations over the course of the episode, of a mother’s love, courage, compassion, resilience and tenacity that I’ve ever heard, and is a fantastic example of holding onto presumption of competence as a guiding light, against all odds.

Sherri Tutkus is the founder and CEO of GreenNurse Group, Nursing Director at Irie Bliss Wellness and host of GreenNurse on the Go Radio Show. Sherri is a cannabis nurse, patient and advocate. She earned her Bachelors in Science and Nursing from Boston College. She is highly skilled Registered Nurse with 30 years’ practical experience in various departments within the hospital and home setting. She is utilizing her expert nursing skills as a medical center specialist, clinical nurse liaison and educator to bridge the gap between patients and the cannabis community. Sherri has been educating and implementing holistic integrative healing modalities within her practice for over 20 years. She educates on the endocannabinoid system and the safe utilization of cannabis at dispensaries, hospitals, clinics, patients homes and she regularly does pop up events, seminars and expos. Sherri is an international speaker and she has contributed to the writing of the first cannabis nursing textbook with her cannabis nurse colleagues that will be available in nursing schools across the country. Sherri is a member of the American Cannabis Nurses Association and founding member of The Cannabis Nurses Network and was nominated as one of two nurses for “Health Professional of the Year” for the 2020 New England Cannabis Convention. Sherri brings passion and purpose to her work teaching bio-psycho-social-spiritual healing using cannabis as a tool.

In the first part of this podcast, Sherri discusses her own background and connection to cannabinoid medicine. The tools she learned in her own journey enabled Sherri to cope with frequent and ongoing surgeries, procedures, treatments for her son Nicholas and advocate vociferously on his behalf.

“When I’m presenting to people, I use myself as a case study. Because basically, prior to me getting ill, I had a history of migraine headaches, ADHD, and anxiety, that was managed with traditional medicine. I was functioning, I was healthy, single mother of three, child with a disability that we’re going to talk about, but knowing that I had migraine headaches and at ADHD symptoms should have been a clear indicator that I had an Endocannabinoid deficiency. So everything that we do or don’t do in our lives as far as health and wellness affects this neurotransmitter signaling system called the endocannabinoid system, and that the job of that system is to bring balance.”

She goes on to explain, “By the end before I discovered cannabis. I was on over 16 pharmaceuticals. So, as I’ve learned over time, if you’re taking more than 10 pharmaceuticals, there’s 100% chance of having an adverse drug reaction. Polypharmacy. I fit into that polypharmacy category. I am not anti pharma. However, what is really essential for people to understand when they are being prescribed pharmaceuticals is to ask those critical questions and to look at what side effects there are to look at the blackbox warning Okay, how many people have died? You know, what are the side effects, what are the adverse effects, you need to have knowledge knowledge is power. The other thing that people People don’t realize is that a lot of pharmaceuticals have a drug nutrient depletion”

She goes on to explain, ” I have have a history of Polycystic Ovarian Disease which is very interesting. And that yeah, that is considered to be a clinical Endocannabinoid deficiency diagnoses as well. So I had issues with fertility all along. … And then my third pregnancy… it’s interesting, you know I gained all kinds of weight and wasn’t happy and I started changing my lifestyle when the babies came. And all of a sudden my reproductive system started to auto regulate. I was using specific supplements and nutrition. I changed my diet, I became vegan, I did a raw diet, and all of a sudden, I’m a fertile Myrtle. And before we know it, I’m pregnant with my third”

From here, Sherri goes on to discuss the birth of Nicholas and the immediate realization that he had multiple issues of which she was not aware of up until the moment of his birth. She explained to me in writing prior to the recording of this episode, the following, “All of my births were traumatic experiences however this pregnancy was the best and the easiest. I had an uneventful healthy pregnancy. I broke my water 6 weeks early and when my first boy was born he was not breathing and they had to resuscitate him and over the course of my first postpartum days I learned that my son had a rare genetic disorder called Branchio-Oculo Facial Syndrome.”

BOFS is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. Each child of an individual with BOFS has a 50% change of inheriting the variant. Nick’s dad carried the gene and at the time of diagnoses the gene had not been identified.

She discusses the realization of impact, “you have these craniofacial anomalies that required over 15 surgeries, but the things that they said about mental retardation was not true. The surgical stuff they were able to do . I engaged upon a journey with him that I would do anything for him. It was kind of like, I just got to do this. And so he became my full time job. ”

I asked Sherri the question, “How did you do it? How did you handle this huge weight of reality repeatedly?” She explained, “I got back to really the basics of self care and being present and grounded. I had already have a lot of those spiritual tools. My son opened up the door to the unseen worlds for me, which is a whole other show. But literally, I kind of felt like and I know it sounds crazy, but I’m sure other mothers can agree or associate or identify…. that I just felt a really strong connection with him and being able to understand what his needs were even before he could communicate.”

She goes on to add, “it gets back to what I can and cannot control you know, even if I can’t control my emotions, even if I’m out of control, like hysterical or anxiety-ridden or sad, I still can have the ability to control what I’m doing and not doing in my life. And so what I knew to be true was in order for me to be the best version of myself, I needed to do everything that I could to take care of myself. And that included my mental health.”

She goes on to say, “But he’s a true miracle. I gave him every opportunity. And he basically showed me through his own actions and his kindness and compassion and his grit and his ability. The kid had so much resilience and he wanted to heal, you know, he’s not mentally retarded, he got set up with the Deaf Services as we found out later, he doesn’t have sensory neural hearing loss, he has a bone conduction hearing loss. And so he basically told me one day Mom, I want to smile with the rest of the kids. And I was like, oh, of course you do. How do I make that happen? And boy, that was a scary journey. We literally embarked upon the journey of having my boy get a smile.”

“The amazing craniofacial team at Boston Children’s Hospital did an experimental surgery that is called facial reanimation. And basically they didn’t know. They said it would evolve over time, would the nerve take and would it connect and would it work? So here we are… I don’t know here we are going. Through 16 hours of surgery 10 days in the hospital, not knowing if this is going to work or not. That was another faith based thing. Honestly, you know, it’s all you have, and then literally one morning when I was waking him up for school, all of a sudden he sits up in bed. He smiles. So he’s really he’s come a long way. He’s 14 years old now. When he was in sixth grade, he said, I want to go to public school. Oh my god, how is he going to be able to go to public school? So I was like, Okay, let’s try to make it happen. And we embarked on the journey of integrating him into the public system.”

Bringing us to current day, Sherri explains, “You know, he is thriving. He’s finishing up the eighth grade this year. And his freshman year, next year in high school, he will be in the public school. He still has an IEP, he’s going to be in all honors and advanced honors classes is number one subject Spanish. And one of the other thing is that, you know, oftentimes as parents, we may feel sorry for our kid and you may feel bad. He doesn’t feel sorry for himself. He doesn’t feel bad.”

A final quote, “So what can I control? I try to control other people. And we can’t control anyone. We can’t. And that’s the part that was the biggest lesson that I learned. And he taught me that, he taught me where my power lies and where it doesn’t lie and how to choose and pick my battles and what’s important and what’s not important. And in the grand scheme of life, when you can pull back from that and see, what am I doing to be the best version of myself, so I can help my child thrive?”

Sherri’s links:
Green Nurse Group: https://www.greennursegroup.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GreenNurseSherri
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sherri_tutkus/,

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Green_Nurses
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sherri-tutkus-rn-bsn-912b7776/

All of our podcasts can be found at https://tsctalks.com/podcast/

TSC Talks guest Sherri Tutkus