TSC Talks Guest Allison Chapman

TSC Talks guest Allison Chapman is the Legislative Director~Health Choice 4 Action MA and it was a pleasure to speak with her on this episode of TSC Talks. I met Allison through a Facebook Group called, “FLU YOU BAKER CLASS ACTION“, formed to “stay connected, informed & share ideas/information regarding the opposition to the MA DPH Flu Vaccine mandate”. We started off hearing about Allison’s personal connection to these issues, having 3 children, all of whom suffered significant side effects from vaccines, one of whom is permanently disabled.

“I’m the Legislative Director for health choice for action, Massachusetts, and it’s an all volunteer organization, it’s not paid. I think a lot of people misinterpret that. But the reason you do it is to make sure that your children and your family members, that may be a little different than others have provided, continue to be able to access the community, and opportunities as everyone else’s creation and jobs and all of these things, we want to make sure that everyone has access to when people are not being denied on the basis of their underlying medical issues, or their religious beliefs, or whatever it is, because we’re in Massachusetts, we have all these wonderful laws that don’t allow discrimination. And unfortunately, there’s still some discrimination. So I help with other moms like myself, and I’ve been doing it for about 15 years. Wow, I’ve been an injury advocate. So a lot longer than I was doing anything else. But that’s what I’ve done for the last about 15 years. But Health Choice for Actions just for a year, a few other organizations in Massachusetts has been for the last four years. So, you know, I’ve been doing it a long time, but it’s with different organizations.”

Allison Chapman is not an anti-vaxxer. She is, however, a firm believer in vaccine injury having watched all three of her children and her mother suffer significant effects from vaccinations. Allison is the Legislative Director for Health Choice for Action, Massachusetts and has been active with other organizations concerned with vaccine injury. Allison describes her journey and what happened to people she loved when they followed medical advice.

The first vaccine and reaction (7:36)
Why do my kids have physical reactions to shots (9:92)
Changes in her son after vaccine (11:20)
Years before doctors admitted her child had an “adverse event” (13:06)
Child number three has an adverse reaction to shot as does her mother (13:47)
Adverse reactions can happen and should be acknowledged. That doesn’t mean one has to be completely anti-vax (15:43)
Legislation and vaccine exemptions (19:01)
Religious exemptions (20:48)
Autism and vaccines (24:16)
Multiple vaccines administered together and what are the effects (21:44)
Vaccine Injury Compensation Fund (26:26)
Harvard Pilgrim study regarding vaccine injury (32:04)
HHS failure to study how to reduce the rate of reaction (35:14)
Poly-pharmacy and vaccine injury and failure to study efficacy/safety in people of color (36:55)
Shame and bullying of the vaccine injured (42:30)
Do the unvaccinated spread disease? (43:57)
Vaccines and politics (49:25)
Finding balance (50:55)
Mandatory flu vaccines (47:41)
Doctors and training and adverse events (52:23)
Differences in vaccine dosage and effectiveness on people of color (58:27)
Vaccines not studied long enough (1:00:31)

Allison’s Links:


We are planning a Virtual Holiday Market.  If you have a business you would like featured or would like more information please contact us.

TSC Talks Guest Leigh Carr

TSC Talks guest Leigh Zarda Carr, R.N., BSN, is a mother of 2, business owner, Chairman of the Board of Directors at Bleeding Kansas Advocates, Contributing Writer at The Evolution Magazine and Cannabis Nurse Consultant at Kansas City Cannabis Company. The name of her business is Hari Om Hemp. “It began as an idea when both Leigh and her husband, Dustin, noticed the many benefits that Leigh saw from CBD herself. It was not until Dustin and Leigh’s son was diagnosed with special needs that they really found the need to start their own CBD company when they could not find one that was open and honest as they would like.”

Leigh shares the experience she had with her son who stopped talking, stopped walking correctly, he kept falling over, he stopped eating the foods he loved, and his behavior completely and radically changed following his 15 month vaccines. Leigh followed the pediatrician’s recommendations, sought various therapies, many not covered by insurance and continued to hope that her son would start to improve. That did not happen despite brush offs from her doctor who kept telling Leigh, that “he is a boy and boys are different”. Finally, at the end of her rope, she began to dig deeper and do her own research which led this nurse, extensively trained in traditional medicine, to question everything she had been taught. Leigh has had the lived experience working in traditional medicine, spent time doing pharmaceutical research, and worked in an ER for quite a while.  Her last bedside nursing job was at a very prestigious hospital in the Kansas City area in a pediatric unit, doing well child visits for an entire year and she was trained on vaccines. I am sharing Leigh’s Facebook post from March 31st, 2020, the 5 year anniversary of her son receiving his 15 month vaccinations here and following this post is a list of resources that can be found publicly related to vaccines and topics mentioned in our interview. I am glad to report that after breaking away from traditional medicine, Leigh found a combination of treatments and therapies in the alternative medicine that have helped her son significantly. At his last IEP meeting she reported that he no longer qualifies for any services but speech!

Leigh wants to emphasize, “this is not to attack those that do vaccinate and not to attack me who I have chosen not to continue to vaccinate mine for medical reasons. This is a post to hopefully wake a few people up to the harmful dangers of vaccines. Please don’t find out your child has the MTHFR gene mutation the way I did. Do your homework and make sure you have informed consent and ask for the vaccine insert the next time you are at your pediatrician’s office and look at this list of side effects, again another thing I was not shown nor taught in nursing school.”

“Thank you to all those who wished me a Happy Birthday yesterday but this birthday was different for me this year. Yesterday I was reminded in my timehop of the day that will permanently be in my head forever. I’ve thought about how I would say this a million times but it never gets easier to tell a story that has caused you so much pain and suffering. On March 31st of 2016, 5 years ago, my husband and I took our son into his WELL child visit for his 15 months vaccines, little did I know that this would be the beginning of a really long road ahead of us.

Within 3 months after my son’s vaccines he stopped talking words he knew how to communicate simple words like dog, hi and bye, he stopped eating foods he loved and would request, his balance became weak and he would fall over all the time.

What unfolded over the next two years was mind boggling and I will not go into detail how many doctors we saw and how much money we spent on out of pocket therapies but it was 5 figures.
There were two times I went to the pediatrician telling him that something was wrong and different with my child and both times I was told he is just a boy and that boys are hyper and are picky eaters. Well he was wrong. My son was not a picky eater prior to his 15 month vaccines and he was the sweetest kindest most loving little boy.

As a mother and a nurse I dug deeper for answers, scientific answers because that is my training to look at double blind placebo studies and credible sources.. I wanted to know why my son had 8 ear infections within one year after his 15 month vaccines and why he no longer could talk and why we were in speech therapy and still are to this day. What I have uncovered since keeps me awake at night, makes me question all my training that I had as a nurse and how we were taught and drilled in our heads that vaccines are safe and effective. I went on to find out that Vaccines were anything but that and have not been studied for the last 30 year and that all manufacturers are protected from any law suits. Had they been safe I would not be where I am today telling the story I am. Not only have they not been studied but do yourself a favor and take a look at the ingredients in them. Your mind will be blown just like mine, again not something we are ever taught about in nursing school nor during my training on vaccines at a pediatric office (a very well known and prestigious one).

This post is not to attack those that do vaccinate and not to attack me who I have chosen not to continue to vaccinate mine for medical reasons. This is a post to hopefully wake a few people up to the harmful dangers of vaccines. Please don’t find out your child has the MTHFR gene mutation the way I did. Do your homework and make sure you have informed consent and ask for the vaccine insert the next time you are at your pediatrician’s office and look at this list of side effects, again another thing I was not shown nor taught in nursing school.

I wish you all the best and want nothing more than to see children succeeding in schools and free of pharmaceuticals. If you are someone you know resonate with this post please reach out. I am here to talk, here to listen, here to help, my ears and arms are open. There is so much more to our story and I plan to share it with you all. Nolan has been on a long road to healing his injury and we are so hopeful in his healing journey. We actually even had his IEP meeting this week and were told he no longer qualifies for any services but SPEECH! This is amazing and we are so excited by the leaps and bounds he is making and cannot wait till the day that we can say he is healed! Hari Om” ( Hari Om is a famous Sanskrit mantra thought to erase all suffering. It allows the individual speaking it to remove their personal suffering and reconnect with the universal consciousness. Hari means “the remover” and refers to the one who removes troubles, blockages, pain and bondages.) https://www.yogapedia.com/definition/7560/hari-om


1. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/downloads/appendices/B/excipient-table-2.pdf

2. Compensation for vaccine injury to date: $4,297,913,380.97 and counting…

3. VAERS site for vaccine injury.

4. Stipulated Order Proving CDC Has No Studies To Support Claim That Vaccines Given in First 6 Months of Life Do Not Cause Autism https://www.icandecide.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Stipulation-and-Order-Fully-Executed.pdf

5. HHS lawsuit that shows no safety studies have been conducted on vaccines for 32 years.

6. 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act that shields vaccine manufacturers from liability.https://www.congress.gov/bill/99th-congress/house-bill/5546

7. Supreme Court rules vaccines,
“unavoidably unsafe.” https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/10pdf/09-152.pdf

8. Stipulated Order Confirming Non-Compliance With 42 USC 300AA-27C https://www.icandecide.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Stipulated-Order-copy-1.pdf

9. The Health Resources and Services Administration Vaccine Injury Table https://www.hrsa.gov/sites/default/files/vaccinecompensation/vaccineinjurytable.pdf

10. Stipulated Order Showing FDA’s Off-Label Use of Vaccines During Pregnancy https://www.icandecide.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/ICAN-v-FDA-Resolved-Court-Filed-Copy-Copy.pdf

11. Stipulated Order Confirming Non-Compliance With 42 USC 300AA-27C https://www.icandecide.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Stipulated-Order-copy-1.pdf

Leigh’s links:



All of our podcasts can be found at https://tsctalks.com/podcast/

TSC Talks guest Liz Minda and Mike Robinson Pt 2

TSC Talks guest Liz Minda and Mike Robinson Part 1

In this episode of TSC Talks, I spoke to Liz Minda, RN and Mike Robinson, former TSC Talks guest, drops in for the second half of our conversation. Liz has three children, one of whom has significant special needs and issues related to epileptic seizures. Liz strongly believes her daughter’s issues are pharma injuries and we discuss that and the treatment protocol. Liz had her children later in life; her son was born when she was 48 and her twin daughters were born when she was 50. She had normal uneventful pregnancies and her children were all born healthy. All was well until, at 18 months old, one of her daughters developed a fever after her MMR/DPT vaccine. That was when she had her first seizure.

Liz’s daughter had no further seizures until she was 4. When the seizures came back, they were severe grand mal status epilepticus seizures. Liz hesitated to medicate her daughter because as an RN, she was aware of the difficulty of finding an effective medicine as well as the myriad of side effects anti-seizure meds can cause. When the seizures continued, they eventually started meds which began a cycle of seizures increasing in both frequency and duration. In addition to meds, they put the child on the ketogenic diet. The grueling regimen did not help her seizure activity. Liz was desperate after even the rescue med Diastat began to fail to control the seizures.

Liz got her daughter into the Epidiolex study at Mass General and her daughter’s seizures diminished for a few months, but they returned. When the seizures started again, doctors increased her pharmaceuticals which restarted the med, seizure pattern. Liz grew frustrated with the medical establishment who seemed determined to throw prescription after prescription at them at great financial, physical and emotional cost. She found a neuro-epileptologist who helped her begin weaning her daughter from some of the prescription meds and helped her transition to Charlotte’s Web.

Liz connected with Mike Robinson online and Mike and others in the Compassionate Cannabis world assisted Liz in finding a balanced cannabinoid medicine that worked for her daughter. Mike and Liz discuss Epidiolex and the pharmaceutical interactions which do not seem to be compensated for when using that med. Liver issues can be serious when Epidiolex or any type of CBD is combined with certain medications. Mike shares, “Even though we were using the Charlotte’s Web, Charlotte’s Web wasn’t enough to help us get off. We needed something stronger. We needed the Rick Simpson oil or full extract cannabis oil to get her off. Because we only had you know, once you get down to the minuscule doses of the pharmaceuticals, now you’re really up against you know, fighting seizures, because you go with a really slow business and that’s pretty much where we’ve stepped in, you know, it’s right with the actual compassion provision.”

Both Mike and Liz believe vaccine injury is real. We ask you to keep an open mind while listening. Before you form an opinion, walk a mile with Liz and Mike, hear their stories and then decide. Liz comments, “and then people say, vaccines don’t cause autism? Yes, they do, and here’s why. When the brain heats up and you get a fever, you’ve got brain on fire” and she believes that “brain on fire” condition causes both seizures and autism.

TSC Talks is presenting this narrative and these views do not necessarily represent the views of TSC Talks. We are encouraging you as listeners, to “walk a mile” in Liz’s shoes and understand the vast variability in the human genome which calls for a far more personalized approach to medicine than is currently the status quo.

Liz’s Links:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/liz-minda-98b9b1126/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100011148612874

Mike’s Links:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mike-robinson-~-cannabis-heals-256b3192/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MikesEpilepsy
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cannabismymedicine/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MikeRob47354384, https://twitter.com/MikeRob23307223

Thank you Liz and Mike for this valuable discussion.  You can find all of our podcasts at https://tsctalks.com/podcast/


TSC Talks Guest Liz Minda & Mike Robinson Pt 1

TSC Talks guest Liz Minda and Mike Robinson Part 1

In this episode of TSC Talks, I spoke to Liz Minda, RN and Mike Robinson, former TSC Talks guest, drops in for the second half of our conversation. Liz has three children, one of whom has significant special needs and issues related to epileptic seizures. Liz strongly believes her daughter’s issues are pharma injuries and we discuss that and the treatment protocol. Liz had her children later in life; her son was born when she was 48 and her twin daughters were born when she was 50. She had normal uneventful pregnancies and her children were all born healthy. All was well until, at 18 months old, one of her daughters developed a fever after her MMR/DPT vaccine. That was when she had her first seizure.

Liz’s daughter had no further seizures until she was 4. When the seizures came back, they were severe grand mal status epilepticus seizures. Liz hesitated to medicate her daughter because as an RN, she was aware of the difficulty of finding an effective medicine as well as the myriad of side effects anti-seizure meds can cause. When the seizures continued, they eventually started meds which began a cycle of seizures increasing in both frequency and duration. In addition to meds, they put the child on the ketogenic diet. The grueling regimen did not help her seizure activity. Liz was desperate after even the rescue med Diastat began to fail to control the seizures.

Liz got her daughter into the Epidiolex study at Mass General and her daughter’s seizures diminished for a few months, but they returned. When the seizures started again, doctors increased her pharmaceuticals which restarted the med, seizure pattern. Liz grew frustrated with the medical establishment who seemed determined to throw prescription after prescription at them at great financial, physical and emotional cost. She found a neuro-epileptologist who helped her begin weaning her daughter from some of the prescription meds and helped her transition to Charlotte’s Web.

Liz connected with Mike Robinson online and Mike and others in the Compassionate Cannabis world assisted Liz in finding a balanced cannabinoid medicine that worked for her daughter. Mike and Liz discuss Epidiolex and the pharmaceutical interactions which do not seem to be compensated for when using that med. Liver issues can be serious when Epidiolex or any type of CBD is combined with certain medications. Mike shares, “Even though we were using the Charlotte’s Web, Charlotte’s Web wasn’t enough to help us get off. We needed something stronger. We needed the Rick Simpson oil or full extract cannabis oil to get her off. Because we only had you know, once you get down to the minuscule doses of the pharmaceuticals, now you’re really up against you know, fighting seizures, because you go with a really slow business and that’s pretty much where we’ve stepped in, you know, it’s right with the actual compassion provision.”

Both Mike and Liz believe vaccine injury is real. We ask you to keep an open mind while listening. Before you form an opinion, walk a mile with Liz and Mike, hear their stories and then decide. Liz comments, “and then people say, vaccines don’t cause autism? Yes, they do, and here’s why. When the brain heats up and you get a fever, you’ve got brain on fire” and she believes that “brain on fire” condition causes both seizures and autism.

TSC Talks is presenting this narrative and these views do not necessarily represent the views of TSC Talks. We are encouraging you as listeners, to “walk a mile” in Liz’s shoes and understand the vast variability in the human genome which calls for a far more personalized approach to medicine than is currently the status quo.

Liz’s Links:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/liz-minda-98b9b1126/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100011148612874

Mike’s Links:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mike-robinson-~-cannabis-heals-256b3192/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MikesEpilepsy
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cannabismymedicine/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MikeRob47354384, https://twitter.com/MikeRob23307223

Thank you Liz and Mike for this valuable discussion.  You can find all of our podcasts at https://tsctalks.com/podcast/


TSC Talks guest Liz Minda