TSC Talks Guest Liz Minda & Mike Robinson Pt 1

TSC Talks guest Liz Minda and Mike Robinson Part 1

In this episode of TSC Talks, I spoke to Liz Minda, RN and Mike Robinson, former TSC Talks guest, drops in for the second half of our conversation. Liz has three children, one of whom has significant special needs and issues related to epileptic seizures. Liz strongly believes her daughter’s issues are pharma injuries and we discuss that and the treatment protocol. Liz had her children later in life; her son was born when she was 48 and her twin daughters were born when she was 50. She had normal uneventful pregnancies and her children were all born healthy. All was well until, at 18 months old, one of her daughters developed a fever after her MMR/DPT vaccine. That was when she had her first seizure.

Liz’s daughter had no further seizures until she was 4. When the seizures came back, they were severe grand mal status epilepticus seizures. Liz hesitated to medicate her daughter because as an RN, she was aware of the difficulty of finding an effective medicine as well as the myriad of side effects anti-seizure meds can cause. When the seizures continued, they eventually started meds which began a cycle of seizures increasing in both frequency and duration. In addition to meds, they put the child on the ketogenic diet. The grueling regimen did not help her seizure activity. Liz was desperate after even the rescue med Diastat began to fail to control the seizures.

Liz got her daughter into the Epidiolex study at Mass General and her daughter’s seizures diminished for a few months, but they returned. When the seizures started again, doctors increased her pharmaceuticals which restarted the med, seizure pattern. Liz grew frustrated with the medical establishment who seemed determined to throw prescription after prescription at them at great financial, physical and emotional cost. She found a neuro-epileptologist who helped her begin weaning her daughter from some of the prescription meds and helped her transition to Charlotte’s Web.

Liz connected with Mike Robinson online and Mike and others in the Compassionate Cannabis world assisted Liz in finding a balanced cannabinoid medicine that worked for her daughter. Mike and Liz discuss Epidiolex and the pharmaceutical interactions which do not seem to be compensated for when using that med. Liver issues can be serious when Epidiolex or any type of CBD is combined with certain medications. Mike shares, “Even though we were using the Charlotte’s Web, Charlotte’s Web wasn’t enough to help us get off. We needed something stronger. We needed the Rick Simpson oil or full extract cannabis oil to get her off. Because we only had you know, once you get down to the minuscule doses of the pharmaceuticals, now you’re really up against you know, fighting seizures, because you go with a really slow business and that’s pretty much where we’ve stepped in, you know, it’s right with the actual compassion provision.”

Both Mike and Liz believe vaccine injury is real. We ask you to keep an open mind while listening. Before you form an opinion, walk a mile with Liz and Mike, hear their stories and then decide. Liz comments, “and then people say, vaccines don’t cause autism? Yes, they do, and here’s why. When the brain heats up and you get a fever, you’ve got brain on fire” and she believes that “brain on fire” condition causes both seizures and autism.

TSC Talks is presenting this narrative and these views do not necessarily represent the views of TSC Talks. We are encouraging you as listeners, to “walk a mile” in Liz’s shoes and understand the vast variability in the human genome which calls for a far more personalized approach to medicine than is currently the status quo.

Liz’s Links:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/liz-minda-98b9b1126/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100011148612874

Mike’s Links:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mike-robinson-~-cannabis-heals-256b3192/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MikesEpilepsy
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cannabismymedicine/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MikeRob47354384, https://twitter.com/MikeRob23307223

Thank you Liz and Mike for this valuable discussion.  You can find all of our podcasts at https://tsctalks.com/podcast/


TSC Talks guest Liz Minda

TSC Talks Guest Mike Robinson

TSC Talks Guest Mike Robinson, Cancer Survivor/Cannabis Activist – Founder, Global Cannabinoid Research Center, comes on to discuss a recent experience he had with the Coronavirus situation, his concerns over the gravity of this situation and the impact it’s having on everyone’s mental health. He urges the cannabis industry as a whole to rise up during this time and consider the cannabinoids which in combination have huge potential to make an impact on our immune systems. It is time to come together in unity and focus on what’s going on right here and now in our entire world. Cannabis formulators with constituents please consider this message and work together to find out of the box solutions.

Mike’s been blogging about this situation and below are some links with more information. Stay tuned for another full podcast episode with Mike discussing the disconnect between the healer and the M.D. in traditional and cannabinoid medicine and offers some suggestions and hope for bridging that gap.

Mike’s links:

Article about his personal experience: https://www.mikesmedicines.com/medical-marijuana/fighting-ordered-isolation-with-cannabiniods-coronavirus-scare-hits-our-home/

On the role of cannabinoids in fighting disease: https://globalcannabinoidrc.com/f/immunoregulatory-role-of-cannabinoids-during-infectious-disease

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mike-robinson-~-cannabis-heals-256b3192/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MikesEpilepsy
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cannabismymedicine/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MikeRob47354384


TSC Talks guest Mike Robinson

All of our podcasts can be found at https://tsctalks.com/podcast/

, comes on to discuss a recent experience he had with the Coronavirus situation, his concerns over the gravity of this situation and the impact it’s having on everyone’s mental health. He urges the cannabis industry as a whole to rise up during this time and consider the cannabinoids which in combination have huge potential to make an impact on our immune systems. It is time to come together in unity and focus on what’s going on right here and now in our entire world. Cannabis formulators with constituents please consider this message and work together to find out of the box solutions.

Mike’s been blogging about this situation and below are some links with more information. Stay tuned for another full podcast episode with Mike discussing the disconnect between the healer and the M.D. in traditional and cannabinoid medicine and offers some suggestions and hope for bridging that gap.

Mike’s links:

Article about his personal experience: https://www.mikesmedicines.com/medical-marijuana/fighting-ordered-isolation-with-cannabiniods-coronavirus-scare-hits-our-home/

On the role of cannabinoids in fighting disease: https://globalcannabinoidrc.com/f/immunoregulatory-role-of-cannabinoids-during-infectious-disease

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mike-robinson-~-cannabis-heals-256b3192/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MikesEpilepsy
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cannabismymedicine/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MikeRob47354384


TSC Talks guest Mike Robinson

All of our podcasts can be found at https://tsctalks.com/podcast/

TSC Talks Guest Ruth D. Fisher

TSC Talks guest Ruth D. Fisher

I thoroughly enjoyed having Ruth D. Fisher, PhD, Cannabis researcher, and analyst, Co-Founder of Cann Dynamics, as well as the author of The Medical Cannabis Primer, on TSC Talks! I heard about Ruth’s book from another recent guest, Nikki Lawley and promptly ordered it, and reached out to Ruth for an interview. It’s a phenomenal resource, one that I have on my desk and refer to frequently. Before I launch into the episode notes, here’s a great description of the book written by Dan Larkin, that I found helpful:

“Getting clear, concise, and easy to understand information about cannabis is tough. There are lots of resources, but which ones can you trust? How can you be sure the information isn’t biased? How are you supposed to even understand all the terminology and science? Is it even legal?

All of this becomes doubly important if you’re researching medical cannabis as an alternative to conventional treatments or pharmaceuticals. You or someone you love may have recently been diagnosed with cancer, epilepsy, autism, MS, or PTSD. You may have been dealing with chronic pain. Whatever your personal reason, you deserve access to clear, concise information about medical cannabis….That’s where “The Medical Cannabis Primer” by Ruth D. Fisher, PhD and edited & designed by her brother, A. Arthur Fisher, comes in. They’ve assembled a comprehensive, easy to read compendium of cannabis knowledge that’s full of unbiased information and easy to understand charts, graphs, and images.”

Ruth shares that it was through the process of helping her brother, who was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, find adequate treatment, that she ended up researching cannabis. Raised by a father who was a private practice physician, a successful children’s eye doctor, and Ruth’s idol, she speaks of his influence, “My dad was also an iconoclast, he didn’t take things at face value, just because people said so. He did research in his area of medicine, and he questioned authority. And he encouraged us to do the same. He would send us stuff to read a lot. And he would send an article and say, “read this article.!”, I’m like, “Dad, just tell me what it says.” He says, “No, I want you to read it yourself”. And that was always a pain. But at some point, I realized he didn’t want to bias, the presentation of the information with his view and his perspective. He wanted us to read it for ourselves and develop our own perspective or interpretation on what we thought of it. I always thought that was very interesting. It took me a long time to appreciate that”

Another formative factor Ruth mentions as shaping her life view was graduate school. “I’m an economist. In economics, you learn that everything is supply and demand. So, you learn how you know all markets are shaped by the forces of supply and demand and you kind of understand things in those terms…. What’s really interesting, and it what was finally drummed into me is that when you read a study, that it doesn’t matter what the results are. If your data and methodology aren’t valid, if they’re not found, then the results don’t matter. They’re meaningless. That was really, really important in forming my attitudes about reading research and trying to evaluate whether or not I should consider them to be valid, based on the methodology and the data used. And it really, really impressed upon me the importance of good methodology in order to provide valid results.”

Here are a few quotes from the transcript of our interview highlighting Ruth’s entry into the cannabis industry and her realization that educating herself was necessary, “So I got into cannabis about four or five years ago. My brother started having health problems. And it turns out he was eventually diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. And MS manifests itself differently in different people and the manifestation he gets is pain, a lot of neuropathic pain from different sources. And he was on a lot of different drugs trying to control or manage the pain and they all have really, really ugly side effects. And while they were helping some they weren’t really doing enough. And my brother’s neurologist said, you know, maybe you could use benefit from cannabis.”

“So, I will say that, yes, I had also smoked cannabis or pot in college and decided to, you know, wasn’t my thing. And I knew that it was out there in the medical world, but really didn’t pay any attention to it. I come in now, and the situation is, my brother has a lot of pain. He has chronic pain. And all I know is I want to do anything I can to help him minimize his pain. And so, I go into cannabis and my job as I saw it was to go in and figure out if cannabis was for real, and if so help him figure out what would help him. And so my goal here was to cut through all the BS and I didn’t care what anyone had to say whether they were pro or anti, all I cared about was finding something that would help reduce my brother’s pain. So, I drew upon all my past experiences in approaching things and I started reading…the first question was, well, what is cannabis and how does it work on the body? And I started reading about that and wow, it was kind of overwhelming.”

Ruth explains the challenges to finding well-rounded information and unbiased research on cannabis for multiple reasons and goes into detail on why this is so. Here’s one quote elaborating on this issue:
“In 1937 with the Marijuana Tax Act, the funds for research essentially dried up, not fully -there was a trickle of funding- but they largely dried up, except for NIDA. And so, you had this, and then in 1970, with the Controlled Substances Act when cannabis was officially categorized as a schedule one drug, all of a sudden, there’s this one department within the National Institute of Health that had all this money to study the bad effects of cannabis. If you want to study the good effects, then it’s really hard to get funding and it’s really onerous. There’s a lot of restrictions, you have to file with the DEA and get permission from them. You have to go through all these hoops with the government. It’s really difficult and it’s really stigmatized. You know, it could hurt your career if you do this.”

She summarizes the state of research, “when people in the healthcare industry say there’s no evidence that cannabis has been shown to be safe and effective, what they mean is not that there are no studies period, what they mean is no large scale clinical trials. And a large scale clinical trial is very expensive. And it’s generally done by someone who’s seeking FDA approval for a pharmaceutical. There are certain cannabis pharmaceuticals out there. And they’ve gone through a number of clinical trials. But again, those are isolates. And people who are doing the whole plant medicine and who are finding really amazing results. They But they don’t have the money to fund large scale clinical trials. And I’m not trying, I’m not trying to make an excuse. I’m trying to explain why that evidence doesn’t exist.”

This episode is rich with information and I personally learned a ton through the process of preparing for and interviewing Ruth and then reading her book. I’ll leave you with a final quote but please take the time to listen to this thorough, fascinating and very personal discussion providing not only information on medical cannabis such as dosing, forms of use, whole plant, but the many factors that have influenced healthcare opposition, recent advances, risks and more.

“The big problem I had is the people..doctors who are closed to it, and who have patients who are afraid to tell them that they’re using cannabis because now you’re missing all the interactions. And now you’re going to have people using it with zero oversight from their doctors, and you’re going to cause all sorts of problems. So, I think the first step is for the doctors to start learning from the patients and just being open to it. I know that my brother had a neurologist, and very early on, he had some really, really bad symptoms. And very early on, he was going through things and he got to the point many times where he’s like, I am willing to try anything to address this problem. And at one point, you know, he got to diet, and he put himself on a very limited diet. And lo and behold, that solved a lot of his problems. And he went to one of his neurologists, his neurologist who’s making different recommendations. And my brother said, Well, you know, I changed my diet, and that has really helped. And the neurologist said, Yeah, you know, I’ve heard that from other patients, but I really know nothing about nutrition, so I can’t really comment on that. And Eddie,eventually that doctor did end up becoming informed on nutrition and actually now incorporates that into his programs.”

Here are Ruth’s links:

Order: https://www.amazon.com/Medical-Cannabis-Primer-Ushering-Marijuana/dp/1885176023
TSC Talks Guest Ruth D. Fisher

Thank you for listening. All of our podcasts can be found at https://tsctalks.com/podcast/

TSC Talks Canna Combo Mini Pod

TSC Talks Canna Combo Mini Pod

A mini compilation of a few Canna conversations; Blaze Therapeutics, Michael Pedersen, Tyrone Williams & past guest Mike Robinson.

1-“Blaze Therapeutics exists to offer plant-based solutions to the rare disease, the US Veteran, and professional medical communities that target the improvement of overall health, wellness, and quality of life. We believe in amplifying the beauty of life through the pursuit of wellness.

Blaze Therapeutics, Nadia Bodkin-Rare Disease Advocacy Professional, Executive Officer, Philanthropist and Vincent Crowley-Senior Vice President-Blaze is comprised of a team of experts concentrated from the healthcare, patient advocacy, nutraceutical and cannabis industries. Blaze Therapeutics is engaged in supporting the open market through Responsible Distribution of plant-based dietary supplements and the Rx market through the pursuit of FDA approved cannabis-based nutraceuticals.”
Website: http://www.blazetherapeutics.com

2-Michael Pederson, Host, Producer of Cannabis Update Podcast. “This podcast features stories about the leaders and organizations involved in cannabis legalization in Canada. This is not a “Pro Pot”​ podcast, but a balanced representation of news and information pertaining to legalization”
Website: https://www.distinctmedia.ca/cannabis-update-podcast

3- Tyrone Williams-Proud Father👣 Direct From Source Supplier🌿License THC and Hemp Product Acquisition and Quality Control Specialist. I’m a second generation grower with 20 years in indoor hydroponic space design and quality control. Specializing in licensed farm direct THC products of the highest quality. The products personally rigorously tested and vetted from only the best quality. I have designed products that have proven positive results that I will be introducing to the market, if anyone is interested in an investment opportunity. https://www.linkedin.com/in/tyrone-william-5b4b45195

4- Mike Robinson -Cancer Survivor/Cannabis Activist, Founder, Global Cannabinoid Research Ctr., Chief Operating Officer at Nanobles, Inc. “Cannabis is Medicine and it’s important it’s recognized globally as such by all nations. Setting the pace now to educate those providing healthcare is imperative for both patients and providers. As a cancer survivor with severe epilepsy that quit a 24 yr. pharma opioid addiction with the use of Cannabis oils to overcome, choosing a healthy alternative medicine was the key to my own success – and for many is the key to exit the Pandora’s Box of addiction, illness, and so much more.”


Thanks for tuning in! Stay tuned for Blaze Therapeutics up this week and keep on keepin’ on.